Medical Terminology-Prefix And Suffix

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adeno gland
carcino cancer
oma tumor, mass
gastro stomach
itis inflamation
myo muscle
algia pain
thombo clotting
phlebo vein
leuko white
emia blood condition
esphago esophagus
ectomy cutting out, removal, encision
tracheo trachea
otomy incision
ostomy opening
cardio heart
hepato liver
megaly enlargment
nephro kidney
hemo blood
ology study of
erythro red
cyto cell
cyte cell
a / an no, not
emia blood condition
broncho bronchial tube
ic pertaining to
chemo drug, chemical
endo within, inner
scopy process of viewing or visual examination
necro death
hyper above, excessive, more than normal
hypo below, deficient, less than normal
neuro nerve
pheumono lung
oma tumor, mass, swelling
entero intestines (usually small)
al pertaining to
cranio skull
costo rib
chondro cartilage
thoraco chest
pharyngo pharynx, throat
otoitis ear inflamation
rhino nose
arthro joint
encephalo brain
patho disease agent
laryngo pertaining to the larynx
cervico neck or female cervix