Identify These Surgical Instruments Flashcards

Total Flash Cards » 74
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Mosquito Clamp

Hemostat (Kelly/Snap)

Tonsil (Schnidt) Clamp

Pean Clamp

Allis Forceps

Babcock Forceps

Pennington (Duval) Forceps

Kocher/Ochsner Clamp

Right Angle Clamp

Lahey Tenaculum

Curved Roosevelt/Doyen Clamp

Straight Roosevelt/Doyen Clamp

Baby Metzenbaum Scissors

Regular Metzenbaum Scissors

Long metzenbaum Scissors

Curved Mayo Scissors

Straight Mayo Scissors

Suture Scissors

Bandage Scissors

Iris Scissors

Stevens Tenotomy Scissors

Potts-Smith Scissors

Perforating Towel Clip (Small or Large)

Nonperforating Towel Clip (Small or Large)

Short #3 Knife Handle

Long #3 Knife Handle

Short #4 Knife Handle

#7 Knife Handle

#10 Knife Handle

#11 Knife Handle

#12 Knife Blade

#15 Knife Blade

#20 Knife Blade

Vein Retractor

Sharp Weitlaner Retractor

Ribbon Malleable Retractor

Deaver Retractor-Narrow, Medium, Baby

Harrington (Sweetheart) Retractor

Richardson Retractor-Small, Medium, Large

Army-Navy Retractor

Skin Hooks

Skin Rake-Sharp or Dull

Skin Rake-Sharp or Dull

Senn Retractor-Sharp or Dull

Meyerding Retractor

Green Thyroid Retractor

Regular Needle Holder-Long or Short

Lane Bone Holding Clamp

Lewin Bone Holding Clamp

Lowman Bone Holding Clamp-Single

Lowman Bone Holding Clamp-Turkeyclaw

Large Mallet

Bone Hook

Weighted Vaginal Speculum

Hanks Uterine Dilators

Double-Toothed Tenaculum

Single Toothed Tenaculum

Uterine Sound

Sharp Uterine Curette

Dull Uterine Curette

Ring Forceps (Sponge Stick)

Frazier Suction Tip

Baron Suction Tip

Poole Suction Tip

Yankauer (Tonsil) Suction Tip

Smooth Tissue Thumb Forceps

Thumb Tissue Forceps with Teeth

Adson (Dura) Smooth Forceps

Adson (Dura) Forceps with teeth

Heaney Tissue Forceps

Ferris Smith Tissue Forceps (Big Ugly)

Debakey Tissue Forceps

Bayonet Tissue Forceps

Ligaclip Applier-Short or Long