Ender's Game Vocab: Chapters 9-10

Vocab for ender's

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Fictitious name used by an author to conceal his/her identity "Her main identity on the nets was Demosthenes… He called himself Locke. They were obvious pseudonyms, but that was part of the plan."
Denunciatory, abusive discourse "His answer would be intelligent, and the debate would be lively, lots of clever invective and good political rhetoric."
Persuasive language skillfully used "His answer would be intelligent, and the debate would be lively, lots of clever invective and good political rhetoric."
Entangled, inescapable "By having her write Demosthenes, it meant he also had some empathy, just as Locke also could play on others' fears. But the main effect was to keep her inextricably tied to Peter."
Person who advocates war "And someday hen they catch us and they wonder why your sister was such a warmonger, I can just bet you'll tell them that you told me to do it."
Person in condition of feudal servitude, a slave "…after we win, I can't see leaving half the civilized world as virtual serfs in the Russian Empire, can you, dear?"
With one's identity hidden or unknown "Whether he likes it or not, Demosthenes cannot remain incognito forever."
To enlist and organize in a methodical order "Either he will unmask himself in order to assume leadership of the forces of stupidity he has marshaled, or his enemies will unmask him."
A highly exaggerated or delusional concept of one's own importance "But they might well decide he was insane and needed treatment for his megalomania."
To remove or withdraw into solitude or seclusion "If we cant solve it this way, then we'll sequester your family and do as we like from then on."
Agreement without protest, giving in "'You're kind and good and not like Peter at all!' 'And it’s true.' His acquiescence calmed her. 'Damn right it's true. It's true.'"
To make compatible or consistent "No problem. I'll write your letter myself. We can use your other letters to reconcile the writing styles. Simple matter."
Bitterly severe "Valentine went back to class without answering. That night Demosthenes published a scathing denunciation of the population limitation laws."
Public condemnation "Valentine went back to class without answering. That night Demosthenes published a scathing denunciation of the population limitation laws."
Acutely or finely perceptive; extremely sensitive, responsive, or alert "His mind is keen, his play is excellent. Young as he is, we've never had a boy better prepared for command."