Mgmt 221 Final

Introduction  to  information  system

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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(Enterprise Resource Planning) integrated cross-functional software that reengineers manufacturing, distribution, finance, human resources, and other basic business processes of a company to improve its efficiency, agility, and profitability.
Stages of SDLC (system development life cycle)
Investigation, analysis, design, implementation,and maintenance.
Antivirus software
Software specifically itended to protect a particular machine or network from the intrusion of software-based viruses.
The use of internet technologies to inter-network and empower buiness processes, electronic commerce, and enterprise communication and collaboration within a company and with its customers, suppliers, and other business stakeholders.
System thinking
Recognizing systems, subsystems, components of systems, and system interrelationships in a situation. also known as a systems context or a systemic view of a situation.
Project management
Managing the accomplishment of an information system development project according to a specific project plan, so a project is completed on time, is within its budget, and meets its design objectives.
Supply chain
The network of business processes and interrelationships among businesses that are needed to build, sell, and deliver a product to its final customer.
5th discipline
Personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, and team learning.
Web cookies
To identify returning visitors automatically, or contracting with web site tracking companies like doubleclick and others for software to record and analyze the details of the web site behavior and preferences of web shoppers automatically.
Gantt chart
One of the tool used in project management to help plan and sequence activities associated with the objectives of the project so that nothing is left out,performed out of logical sequence, or done twice.
A relocation of an organization's business processes to a lower-cost location overseas.
Intellectual property theft
Infringement on copy righted material.
Software piracy
Unauthorized copying of software.
To scramble data or convert them, prior to transmission, to a secret code that masks the meaning of the data to unauthorized recipients, similar to enciphering.
A process in which a single advertiser sends thousands of messages to computer users without their permission. the computer version of junk mail.