Explain Marx's Theory of Rebellion a Journal Article Terms Flashcards

These key words are simple definitions explaining sociological words, and may involve key topics describing a sociologists view point.

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Conflict Theory
Social class arises and persists because those with more wealth and power use their means to enhance their own position at the expense of other.
Bourgeoisie exploits the Proletariat through the work place.
Define domestic labour
Domestic labour is work done in the home, household, childcare, emotion work.
Define patriarchy
Male domination in society-when men control women, making key decisions and not doing their share of housework/ children.
Name a key Person that discusses domestic division of labour
Talcott Parson (1955)- Argues women have expressive roles of socialising children and meeting family's emotional needs.
Who talked about joint and segregated conjugal roles
Elizabeth Bott (1957)
What are empty shell marriages?
The couple live together, remain legally married, but their marriage exists in name only.
What is a Nuclear Family?
A family consisting of an adult male and female with one or more children, own or adopted.
What is an extended family?
An extension of the nuclear family, eg, Grandparents, Aunty&Uncles and cousins.
What is Socialisation?
How an individual learns the culture of society. Primary is within the family, and secondary is within education.
What does Patriarchal mean?
Literally 'rule by father'. Feminist used it as 'male dominant'.
What does matrifocal mean?
A family with a mother as the head of the household.
What does Culture mean?
Culture is Shared norms and values, knowledge and beliefs. There are shared by members of society and transmitted from generation to generation.
What is a same-sexed family?
A relationship headed by a couple of the same sex. They can be joined legally via the Civil Partnership Act.
What is a reconstituted family?
A step family, in which one or both partners, has children from a previous relationship.
What is a symmetrical family?
A family that has joint roles. Eg the couple share the household task and childcare. Both also work, and the couple also spends their leisure time together.