Top 2nd Grade Flashcards

These sets of flashcards can be used to help learn about everything you need to know in 2nd grade. We cover the most commonly misspelled words, like “because” and “friend” and flashcards provide you with a convenient study method to help practice these difficult spelling words. We also cover important terms needed to know for the grade 2 RCM exam. We cover all of the bases with terms in French, Italian and German.

We have included the names of 5 chords they will be expected to know for the grade 2 RCM exam. Words like “mesto” and “dolente” will need to be understood and executed with ease. Finally, we provide flashcards for learning kanji for 2nd grade. Our flashcards contain the characters and an English translation. It's important for children to learn and experience different languages and cultures while they are young so they grow up with an appreciation of different languages.