Top Anesthetics Flashcards

Welcome to our anesthetics flashcards! An anesthetic is a medication that causes and effect called anesthesia. Anesthesia is a reversible loss of sensation. These medications are generally administered directly before surgery. There are many varieties of anesthetics used today. Anesthetics are generally categorized into two classes: general anesthetics and local anesthetics. General anesthesia causes a reversible loss of consciousness. Local anesthetics cause a reversible loss of sensation for a specific area of the body while still maintaining consciousness. We provide 3 sets of flashcards to better help you understand anesthetics.

Our first set of flashcards are aimed at current and future anesthetists. Our second set of flashcards cover the different forms of anesthetics and in what situations they are administered. In our final set, we cover important facts about different types of anesthetics. Once you review all of these flashcards, you will have an in depth understanding of the use, types and effects of various anesthetics used in modern medicine. Check these out for more information!