Top Dog Flashcards

Dogs and humans have lived together for thousands of years, and many people couldn’t imagine a life without these complex, emotional creatures. Thousands of years ago, when human beings were surviving on wild plants and animals, we ran into a fierce competitor: wolves. Wolves were dangerous and probably pretty frightening to our ancestors, just as they are to us. But wolves also competed with humans for some of the same food sources, and human beings had the advantages of language and tools. So a few wolves did what competitors often do when they realize they’re outmatched – they switched sides! These wolves became friendly, loyal companions for humans, and in return we fed and protected them.

Over time, their ears got floppier and their behavior became less aggressive, and they got a new name: dog. Today, dogs have been bred for a huge variety of body types and personalities, from powerful sled dogs like huskies all the way to gentle companions like the shih tzu and miniature poodle. Each breed has its own set of skills that have made it valuable to human beings, and over time the breeders have honed those skills to perfection, creating the ultimate companion animal.