Top Python Flashcards

Pythons are massive snakes that live in Africa and Asia. They can grow over 20 feet long and weigh up to 200 pounds, making them large enough to kill some of the biggest animals in their environment. Pythons are ambush predators, meaning they wait patiently for their prey to come close, then drop from a tree branch or other hiding place and attack. Unlike some snakes, they are not venomous — given their enormous size, they really don’t need the additional advantage of venom. Instead, they coil their prey up and squeeze, making it impossible for the animal to breathe. Over time, the animal dies from lack of oxygen and the snake can eat it.

Pythons are actually a diverse family of snakes, consisting of roughly 31 species that can live in a variety of habitats. Many live in wet, tropical environments such as rainforests, but there are also savannah and desert pythons. Regardless of where they live, though, pythons rely on stealth and massive size to catch their dinner.