French Flashcards

french Flashcards

French vocabulary - the face
To ask if someone likes something.To say that you like, dislike or prefer something.Items that you may like for dislike.An underlined word shows that the accent mark is assigned to that letter.
Notes on Petit Nicolas: La bonne surprise. Vocab
types of glaciers and types of crevasses
tentamen psyc hologie
description du principe de la légalité criminelle à travers un nombre de questions permettant de balayer le thème au travers des tensions qui le traversent.le plan du cours est le suivant :I/ la notion...
Making these to memorize the ports for sec+ test
Study cards f or basic
vocabulary for french house
Du Bois sociology concepts/terms & their definitions/descriptions
Identifying feminine or masculine nouns by word endings. 
Evolution of Vertebrates, Fish, Frogs, Snakes and Birds
Reproductive System and Human Genetics
Human Genetics, DNA Replication and Protein Synthesi
Regulation of Genes
Digestive and Urinary Systems and Metabolism
Microevolution and Speciation
Evolution of Plants
Flowering Plants
How Plants Make Food
Learning days of the week
Lecture 11
Paintings by the two men
Basic heart sounds and Heart Murmurs