State 12 Most Powerful Words Flashcards

This list of flashcards is entirely based on the 12 most powerful words with their definitions. Try to attempt this quiz based flashcards and explore some great knowledge related to the 12 most powerful words.

12 cards   |   Total Attempts: 369

Cards In This Set

Front Back
When asked to dissect a frog, what are you doing?
If asked to create a recipe for oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, what are you being asked?
To formulate
Sarah shrieked when she saw a spider. How does she feel about spiders? What is this asking you to do?
Remember the steps of the writing process, what are you being asked to do?
Say what will happen to Leon next. What do you need to do?
Tell how tow hermit crabs are similiar. What is this asking you to do?
Tell the difference between the Boomers and the Sooners. What are you being asked?
To Contrast
Character pictures and paragraphs do this to a book or story.
Text evidence or details help to this.
Goal setting when preparing for conferences or writing in your goal in your math portfolio help you to do this.
Tell the steps to divide 472 by 4. What do you need to do?
Give a brief description of your favorite movie. What do you need to do?