Define These Coronary Heart Disease Flashcards

140 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What does IMSAFE stand for?
Illness, Medication, Stress, Alcohol, Fatigue, Eating
How long after the atrium contracting, do the ventricles contract?
1/10th Second
Which arteries supply blood to the heart muscle?
Coronary Arteries
What causes a heart attack?
One or more blocked coronary ateries
What shape to the RHS heart coronary arteries form?
L shape
What is the name given to the system responsible for blood flow through the body?
The Circulatory System
True or False, oxygen saturation increases with height?
What percentage of aviation accidents and incidents are caused by the human element?
What are latent failures?
These are contributory factors that may lie dormant for any period of time until they contribute to an accident.
What are active failures?
These encompass the unsafe acts that can be directly linked to an accident such as pilot error.
What is incapacitation?
Incapacitation is defined as being incapable of performing expected normal activity.
What is mental incapacitation?
Is the mind's inability to use proper judgement, reasoning and decision making.
What is neurological incapacitation?
Whereby the signals from the brain fail to use the sensory information and data from eyes, ears, touch, smell and feel (senses).
Occipital lobe?
Visual information (O for optometrist!!)
Temporal Lobe
Higher Level Auditory Processing (Temple - ears - ears are temples!!)