2/23/10 Histology - Endocrine 1

Questions fro m Doane's lecture on the date above

51 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is another name for the hypophysis?
A.k.a. pituitary
Where is the pituitary located?
It sits in the sella turcica.
What is the sella turcica?
It is a depression in the sphenoid bone.
From what embryologic structure does the adenohypophysis develop?
Rathke's pouch
What does Rathke's pouch turn into?
The adenohypophysis
From what embryologic tissue layer does the adenohypophysis develop?
It is an evagination of the oral ectoderm.
What structure is the neurohypophysis attached to?
It is an extension of the floor of the diencephalon
From what embryologic tissue layer does the neurohypophysis develop?
From the neural ectoderm
What type of benign mass can develop if residual tissue is left from the regressing stalk of Rathke's pouch?
A craniopharyngioma
What critical structure can be compressed by the growth of a craniopharyngioma?
The optic nerve.
What is another name for adenohypophysis?
Anterior pituitary
What is the pars distalis and what is another name for it?
It is the inferior lobular mass of the adenohypophysis. It is also called the anterior lobe.
What is the pars tuberalis?
It is the thin stalk-like top of the adenohypophysis
What is the pars intermedia?
The intermediate lobe. It is a remnant of Rathke's pouch.
What is another name for the neurohypophysis?
Posterior pituitary gland