2nd Exam for Health Assessment


328 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Ear pain is defined as
What causes otalgia
Inflammation of the middle ear
This refers to any inflammation of the middle ear
Acute otitis media
Ottitis media with effusion is what
A collection of fluid in the midle ear
Name some other names for ottitis media
Serous ottitis media Secretory ottitis Non suppurative ottitis
If physical findings are normal with the middle ear disorders than what is the cause of the pain
Referred pain is likely
50% of referred pain is caused by
Dental problems
Name some other causes of deferred pain
TMJ disorder, parotitis, pharyngitis, cervical, mouth or facial disorders
What is the most serious although least common cause of referred pain and most common in asians
Nasopharyngeal ca
Acute ottitis media declines after age
What is presenting symptoms of acute ottitis media
60% of children get a fever
What risks increase chronic ottitis media
Having a parent/sibling with chronic ottitis media Bottle propping and second hand smoke
What does propping bottle feeding do in acute ottitis media
Swallowing while lying down allows nasopharyngeal fluid to enter the middle ear with infection later
What is malignant ottitis media
Cellulitis involving the ear those with diabetes predisposes patients to this
Those with this desease are at high risk for ottitis media and mastoiditis