4th and 5th Grade Question of the Day

Question of t he Day

7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Hook a rubberband over your thumb. Strech the rubber band across the back of your hand and hook the other end over your little finger. Try to get the rubber band off without touching anything or using your other hand. What can happen to birds and sea animalswhen humans pollute beaches with plastic trash, such as rings from six-packs of soda? Science Super Star: Find out how long it takes for plastic bags to decompose.
Sea life can become entangled in plastic trash. Without hands, animals can't free themselves. Superstar: 300 years
Properties of metals Have you ever struggled to open a jar with a metal lid? Some people hold the metal lid under hot tap water. Why does this make it easier to open the jar? Science Super Star: What are some other ways to make it easier to open the jar?
Metals expand when heated. Superstars: Use a damp cloth to hold the lid and get a bette grip ( the cloth increases friction); break the vacuum seal by banging the edge of the lid with the handle of a knife.
Classification Patti and her family are having a picnic in heir backyard. Unfortunately, some uninvited guests are trying to share their dinner. Patti's dad lights a special candle (called a citronella candle) that keeps insects away. Which of the animals listed below would the candle keep away? Which animals might still bother Patti and her family. cat bee snail ant worm fly wasp mosquito blue jay beetle
All but the cat, bluejay, worm, and snail would be kept away.
Work Hold a rubber band against your lips. Can you feel how cool it is? Now quickly strech out the rubber band while holding itlightly against your lips. What do you notice? Why do you hink this happens?
Lips feel warm. Work is being done. Friction creates heat.
The Solar System How you ever wondered if humans could live on other planets? Think of at least one problem people would have if they tried to live on Mercury, Venus, or Mars. Look at a diagram for clues. Science Super Stars: How does a planet's distance from the Sun affect its surface temperature?
Mercury and Venus would be too hot, Mars too cold Superstar: The closer to the Sun, the higher the surface temperature.
Population Did you know that the number of people in the US grows by about 2.4 million every year? If there were 248 million people in the US in 1990, What will he population be in 2020? Science Super Star: Do you think there are too many people where you live or is the number just right? If you are still living where you live now in the year 2020, how do you think the increased population will affect you?
Approximately 320 million. Superstar: Effects might include more pollution, longer lines at amusement parks, more crowded beaches.
Inventions The first camera were the size of small rooms. Early radios were as ig as microwave ovens. The first computers had to be housed in large rooms. Picture these items today. Write a sentence that tells one trend in the technology of modern inventions. How has this trend benefited you? What items do you have that are examples of this trend?
Technological advances have made smaller products possible. Benefits include potability, lower prices Possible items: radios, computers.