Functions of the Integumentary System Flashcards

Flashcards for McGraw Hill's Hole's Human Anatomy and Physiology. Chapter 6. 12th edition.

29 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Define Integument.
Integument: Covering
What are the two main layers of the skin?
The two main layers of the skin are the Epidermis: outer layer and the Dermis: inner layer
What are the general functions of the skin?
The general functions of the skin are prevention of dehydration, maintenance of body temperature, get rid of wastes, reception to stimuli, vitamin D synthesis, and storage of nutrients.
What is vitamin D synthesis in the skin responsible for?
Vitamin D synthesis in the skin is responsible for increases in the 'feel good' molecule serotonin.
What does the epidermis lack?
The epidermis lacks blood cells and constantly produces new cells.
What are the layers of the epidermis?
The layers of the epidermis are deep to superficial: Stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, and stratum corneum.
Which layer does mitosis take place?
The stratum basale is the layer in which mitosis takes place.
Where are melanocytes from and what do they do?
Melanocytes are mostly in the stratum basale and produce melanin, which darkens with exposure to ultra violet light (the sun).
What are desmosomes?
Desmosomes are a disk shaped structure that serves to link one cell to another in skin (and cardiac muscle tissues), which helps in holding the structure together.
What is the stratum lucidum?
The stratum lucidum is a layer of dead cells that is present only in thick skin (palms, soles of feet).
What happens to the cells on the stratum corneum?
The cells on the stratum corneum are constantly being sloughed off and replaced by cells originating in the stratum basale.
What is the stratum corneum?
The stratum corneum is composed of dead epithelial cells and provides an 'overcoat' protection.
What does the dermal-epidermal junction do?
The dermal-epidermal junction supports the epidermis, binds to the layers of the skin, and is WHERE A BLISTER FORMS.
What does the dermis contain?
The dermis contains collagenous fibers, elastic fibers, and a gel ground substance.
What does the dermis create visually?
The dermis is what creates the visible effects of skin damage (wrinkles)