Abdominal Aorta Anatomy Flashcards

The study, learn, and revise about Abdominal Aorta Anatomy with our quiz based flashcards. Here re the key terms, definitions, words, and much more related to the topic of Abdominal Aorta Anatomy, which is simple and easy to learn with our flashcards. ​

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1) Unpaired arteries that branch from the abdominal aorta include the A) gonadal. B) superior mesenteric. C) inferior mesenteric. D) suprarenal. E) B and C.
. B) superior mesenteric. C) inferior mesenteric. E) B and C.
2) Which of the following is an unpaired branch of the abdominal aorta? A) celiac B) lumbar C) renal D) gonadal E) suprarenal
A) celiac
3) Which of the following is the left branch of the celiac trunk? A) cystic artery B) hepatic artery proper C) right gastric artery D) splenic artery E) gastroduodenal artery
D) splenic artery
4) The first paired branches of the abdominal aorta are the A) gonadal arteries. B) inferior phrenic arteries. C) superior mesenteric arteries. D) common iliac arteries. E) renal arteries.
B) inferior phrenic arteries
5) Blood in the hepatic portal vein carries blood A) high in nutrients. B) high in oxygen. C) from the kidneys. D) high in acid. E) that is all of the above.
A) high in nutrients
6) The terminal segment of the abdominal aorta divides directly to form A) the common iliac arteries. B) the external iliac arteries. C) the internal iliac arteries. D) three inferior branches. E) none of the above.
A) the common iliac arteries.
7) Which of the following empties directly into the hepatic portal vein? A) superior mesenteric vein. B) lumbar veins. C) hepatic veins. D) the suprarenal veins. E) there are no exceptions; all of them empty into the inferior vena cava.
A) superior mesenteric vein.
8) Damage to the renal medulla would interfere first with the functioning of the A) glomerulus. B) nephron loop of cortical nephrons. C) DCT. D) PCT. E) collecting ducts.
A) glomerulus
9) The large passageway into which the major calyces empty is the A) minor calyx. B) renal calyx. C) renal medulla. D) renal cortex. E) renal pelvis.
E) renal pelvis.
10) After draining through the collecting system, tubular fluid enters (the) A) ureter. B) minor calyx. C) renal pelvis. D) major calyx. E) none of the above.
B) minor calyx.
11) In the renal pelvis, fluid processing includes A) reabsorption of potassium. B) further removal of sodium from the filtrate. C) secretion of lipid- soluble drugs. D) osmosis of water. E) none of the above.
E) none
12) Most often, the kidney is confused with the ________ when viewed superficially. A) liver B) urinary bladder C) pancreas D) spleen E) gallbladder
D) spleen
13) The parts of the urethra in the male, in correct order from the bladder to the exterior, are: (1) urachus (2) penile urethra (3) dysuria (4) membranous urethra (5) prostatic urethra A) 5, 4, 2 B) 4, 2, 1 C) 1, 3, 5 D) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 E) 2, 4
(2) penile urethra (4) membranous urethra (5) prostatic urethra A) 5, 4, 2
14) The position of the kidneys in the abdominal cavity is maintained, in part, by (the) A) floating ribs. B) osmotic pressure of the fluid in the ureters. C) diaphragm. D) overlying peritoneum. E) none of the above.
D) overlying peritoneum
15) The structure directly opposite the vascular pole of the glomerulus is the A) tubular pole. B) glomerulus. C) proximal convoluted tubule. D) ureters. E) C and D.
A) tubular pole