Choose the Correct Option for Correct Psychosis Flashcards

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Psychotic experiences are characteristic of schizophrenia,but they also occur in people with other disorders. Of the following, they are least likely to occur in people with with
a. brain tumors
b.mood disorders
c.substance use disorders
d.specific phobias
D.specific phobias
The psychiatrist who introduced the term dementia praecox was
a. Emil Kraepin
b. Benjamin Rush
c, Eugen Bleuler
d. Philippe Pinel
A. Emil Kraepin
Persecutory delusions, auditory hallucinations, and unusual behaviors are examples of
a. positive symptoms
b.cognitive deficits
c. negative symptoms
d. catatonia
A. positive symptoms
Frank has a diagnosis of schizophrenia. When his case manager asked what time he went to bed last night, he said, "2 o' clock frick frock tick tock and I won't be wearing a mock." This is an example of
a. loose assoctiation
b. thought blocking
c. clang association
d. catatonia
C. clang association
Blunted affect, anhedonia, avolition, and psychomotor retardation are examples of
a. positive symptoms
b. negative symptoms
c. cognitive defects
d. catatonia
B. negative symptoms
The third category of schizophrenia symptoms is cognitive impairment, which includes
a. delusions and hallucinations
b. personality and affect splits
c. attention and memory deficits
d. anhedonia and avolition deficits
C. attention and memory deficits
Richard has schizophrenia. At, times, he maintains a rigid posture and is unresponsive to vocal commands. At other times, he repeats what other people say to him. Which subtype of Schizophrenia does Richard most likely have?
a. paranoid
b. undifferentiated
c. catatonic
d. disorganized
C. catatonic
People with schizophrenia who live in developing countries have a better outcome than do people in developed countries because
a. the United States ranks 39th in mental health service provision worldwide
b. the chronic nature of schizophrenia is relatively unknown in developing countries
c. alternative folk medicine is as effective as modern medical methods
d.smaller countries and less complex environments offer these people increased social support
D. smaller countries and less complex environments offter these people increased social support
African Americans are more likely to be given a diagnosis of schizophrenia because
a. they are more likely than white people to suffer from the disorder
b. clinician bias leads to misinterpretation of symptoms
c. they more often report episodes of sleep paralysis, which is associated with the disorder
d. all of the above
B. clinician bias leads to misinterpretation of symptoms
In one prospective study, Danish youth were videotaped in a school cafeteria when they were 11 to 13 years old. Twenty-nine years later, as adults, some of these individuals had developed schizophrenia. As children, the adults who developed the disorder were
a. less social and exhibited subtle neuromotor abnormalities
b. eccentric or odd, but without delusions or hallucinations
c. showing early signs of split personality
d. not differerent from the other children
A. less social and exhibited subtle neuromotor abnormalities
Schizophrenia usually begins at what stage of life?
a. early childhood
b. middle childhood
c.early adulthood
d. early middle age
C. early adulthood
Shortly after the police told Lucinda that her 12-year-old daughter had been killed by a hit-and -run driver, she went into a catatonic state. A few hours later she began to hear voices, and her speech became very disorganized. She said that an angel had come to visit her. These symptoms stopped after several days. Lucinda was suffering from
a. catatonic schizophrenia
b. residual schizophrenia
c. schizophreniform disorder
d. brief psychotic disorder
D. brief psychotic disorder
Individuals diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder might be considered to have
a. both schizophrenia and depressive disorder
b. only the negative symptoms of schizophrenia plus a mood disorder
c. a nonpsychotic mood disorder
d. a bried psychotic disorder
A. both schizophrenia and depressive disorder
The finding that genetically identical twins are not 100% concordant for schizophrenia strongly implies that
a. a uniquely genetic etiology for schizophrenia is unlikely
b.environmental factors must be the cause of schizophrenia spectrum disorders
c. family conduct cannot cause schizophrenia because twins are usually raised in the same family environment
d. mothers must unconciously treat twins differently, which leads to vulnerability to schizophrenia
A. a unique genetic etiology for schizophrenia is unlikely
Among possible prenatal risk factors for schizophrenia, one of the most thoroughly investigated is
a. genital or reproductive infections
b.nutritional deprivation during ealry gestation
c. severt prenatal maternal stress
d. maternal exposure to the influenza virus
D. maternal exposure to the influenza virus