Advertising Test 4 Flashcards

Prepare for Advertising Test 4 in a brief manner with these flashcards and revise the concepts related to it. Learn the important terms, definitions, and much more briefly with these flashcards quizzes. Be prepared for Advertising Test 4 and master this topic with ease and fun by attempting Flashcards quizzes.

77 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Context effects
How the context of the media through which an ad is presented effects consumers' impressions of the ad
Media buying
Entails securing the electronic media time and print media space specified in the schedule
Agency of Record:
the advertising agency chosen to purchase time and space; it coordinates media discounts and negotiates all contracts for time and space
When the television networks reveal their fall line-ups and presell advertising on them
Media-buying service:
An independent organization that specializes in buying large blocks of media time and space and reselling it to advertisers
Rate card:
Contains information on costs, closing times (when ads have to be submitted), specifications for submitting an ad, and special pages or features available in the newspaper
Column inch:
A unit of space one inch deep by one column wide( each column is 2½ inches wide)
Standard Advertising Unit (SAU):
Widely used system for selling ad space, which defines unit sizes for advertisements
Run-of-paper (ROP):
When an advertiser buys space on this basis (aka run-of-press), the ad may appear anywhere, on any page in the paper
Preferred position:
A higher rate is charged for this; the ad is placed in a specific section of the paper
Full position:
Places an ad near the top of a page or in the middle of editorial material
The number of newspapers distributed each day (for daily newspapers) or each week (for weekly publications).
The measurement of the circulation multiplied by the number of readers of a copy
Paid Circulation:
Reports the number of copies sold throughout subscriptions and newsstand distribution
Controlled circulation
Refers to the number of copies of the newspaper that are given away free