AFAA Practice test Flashcards

Prepare for AFAA Exam with this set of flashcards questions. Attempt these questions and check your knowledge related to the AFAA exam. Learn, study, and revise for the terms and definitions used in the AFAA with the Flashcards quizzes. Learn key terms, words, definitions, and much more for the AFAA exam with our flashcard quizzes.

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What is AFAA's 5 questions (in order)

(think crazy Girl cheerleader voice)
1. What is the purpose of the exercise?
2. Are you doing that effectively?
3. Does the exercise create any safety concerns?
4. Maintain proper alignment and form for the duration of exercise?
5. For whom is the exercise appropriate or inappropriate?
What is Flexion?
Bending of a joint between 2 bones that decreases the angle between two bones.
What is Extension?
Motion of increasing the angle between 2 bones.
What is Circumduction?
Movement in which the extremity describes a 360 degree circle.
What is Isotonic?
Tension remains CONSTANT as the muscle shortens or lengthens.
What is Eccentric?
Lengthens while contracting, developing tension as when the muscle oppose the force of gravity.
What is Isokinetic?
Contraction in which the tension developed by the muscle while shortening of constant speed is maximal over the full range of motion.
What is Isometric?
The tension INCREASES but muscle length remains SAME.
The amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute is called?
Cardiac Output
An example of ABDUCTION is demonstrated when performing a ( )?
Lateral Raise
Which of the following is NOT considered a method of cardiorespiratory training
A)Circuit training
b)intermittent training
c)interval training
What is a tendon?
Band of dense fibrous tissue forming the termination of a muscle and attaching muscle to bone with minimum elasticity.
What is a Ligament?
Bands or sheet like fibrous tissues that CONNECT BONE TO BONE and reinforce joints from dislocation
What is Joint?
The point at which TWO OR MORE BONES MEET or articulate where movement occurs.
What is SAID?

In order to improve in a particular area of fitness or sport, the precise movement should be rehearsed.