AFROTC FTP - Dorm Maintenance

An interactive way to learn dorm maintenance at Field Training

27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 185

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When sharing a closet, which cadet gets which section of the closet?
The cadet on the bottom of the bunk will get the left side, while the cadet above him or her will have the right side of that same closet.
True or False: All uniforms are buttoned and zipped in the closet.
False: Special Display uniforms have no buttons
How are hangers arranged in the closet?
No more than 3 extra hangers allowed. All extra hangers grounded as one, grounded to the left wall and considered as part of the wall. Open end of the hook facing the back wall. Spaced evenly from the left wall to the right wall (or the left wall to center and center to right wall if sharing).
How are items (ABUs, BLUs, etc.) hung on the hangers?
Hung separately, with the items containing sleeves having the left sleeve face the door. All items next to same item (From left to right, ABU blouses, ABU pants, BLUs shirts, BLUs pants). Pants hung over hanger with legs matched inseam to inseam, waistbands to the left, fly facing closet doors,
What is the makeup of the left side of a cadet's top shelf?
Left Side: Duffel Bag (single fold flush to the edge, grounded to the left side, e-fold to the viewers right), Flight Cap (open end grounded to the left side of the wall, back of the cap flush to the front edge of shelf), Soap and Soap Container: Must show signs of use, flush with edge of shelf and 24 inches from left wall [Liquid, front facing and upright; one-piece, hinge open to left; two-piece, top underneath the bottom.
What do you do with a wet rain poncho?
Rain Poncho: Hung on shower rod with right sleeve towards shower, equidistant from sides.
What is the make up of the right side of a cadet's top shelf?
Spray Starch (optional): grounded to back wall and right of the closet. ABU Cap: Bill of the cap to the front edge and side of the cap to the right wall. Flashlight: 12 inches from the right wall, butt end grounded to the edge of the shelf with the wand end facing the rear of the closet. Dry Rain Poncho: Sides folded towards center and rolled into the hood with remainder tucked in. 18 inches from the right wall and flush with the front edge of the shelf.
What items are displayed in the laundry bag?
Dirty clothes. Wet dirty clothes placed in plastic bags and dark socks and underwear and white bras, white socks and light colored undergarments.
How are shoes displayed in the closet?
On the left wall or one a cadet's side of the closet. Starting at the back corner: ABU boots, low quarters, shower shoes, and running shoes. Heels grounded together. Tightly laced during day, loosely laced at night. Unalike shoes grounded only at soles. When a pair of shoes is currently in use, move shoes back towards wall to fill in.
True or False: The security drawer does not have to be locked at all times.
True: The security drawer can be left unlocked if you are awake and in the room. All other times it must be locked.
Describe the location and make up of the Personal Hygiene drawer.
The second drawer from the bottom, or the drawer above the security drawer.

Razor: Grounded to the left side of the drawer, centered between the front and back of the drawer. Head facing down. If electric, cord wrapped around. If manual, extra blades covered. No cover on the razor.

Shampoo: Centered between front and rear of drawer. Grounded lengthwise to the right edge of the drawer. Cap facing the rear.

Toothbrush & Case: Toothbrush inside case with head pointed towards rear. Bristles facing the right (except when drying, so face it a different direction). Centered halfway between the left and right sides of the drawer as well as halfway between the front and rear of the drawer. If two piece, place bottom into the top, for tubular cases, separate 1/4 an inch to dry. For one piece, leave open with hinges facing left.

Tooth Paste: Back right corner of the drawer, cap facing left.

Deodorant: Grounded to right wall and tooth paste. Cap facing left.

Shaving Cream / Hair Brush: Grounded to the front right side of the drawer lengthwise. Top of shaving cream faces left. Handle of hairbrush towards left, bristles upwards.

Comb/Pick (optional): Just don't bring one...But grounded to shaving cream/hair brush and right side of drawer. If comb, teeth facing to the rear. If pick, teeth facing to the right.
If an item is not available for display in a clothing drawer you...?
Leave it empty
How are items stacked in the clothing drawers?
Largest items on bottom.
What is the location and make up of the top clothing drawer?
The top drawer.

Underwear: Folded and grounded to the back and right of the drawer, waistbands facing the rear, front facing up.

Socks: Folded separately. Heel up and open end away. Folded in thirds from toe to open end. Sized and stacked individually. Open end down and facing the rear. BLUs socks grounded to underwear and ABU socks grounded to BLUs socks.

Shirts. Correctly folded to 6 inch collar. Stacked and sized individually with the front facing up and shirts grounded to the front of the drawer. White V-necks to the left, sand ABU shirts to the right.

Bras (females): Folded neatly with straps tucked in. Grounded to the ABU socks and rear of the drawer.
What drawer has a white towel neatly displayed as a liner?
The Personal Hygiene Drawer