Alpha Kappa Psi (ΑΚΨ) Professional Business Fraternity Flashcards

Below are some Alpha Kappa Psi (ΑΚΨ) Professional business fraternity Flashcards that are perfect for giving you all the information you need to join the fraternity. It is also an ideal exercise for helping you see if you know the fellowship that well. Give it a try and all the best as you join one of the greatest fraternities in business school.  

73 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
When and where was the Fraternity founded? (2 points)
October 4, 1904 at New York University
What are two things the Fraternity’s alcohol policy prohibits?v
    1. No alcohol shall be present at any pledge program
    2. No “drinking games” shall be permitted
When was the local chapter founded? (1 point)

Where (state) and on what date was the Fraternity incorporated? (2 points
New York, May 20, 1905
What is the term used to refer to the Four Founding Fathers? (1 point)
Brooklyn Four
Who are the ten men credited as the founders of the Fraternity? (Circle the ones referred to in Question #5) (14 points)

Howard M. Jefferson*, George L. Bergen*, Nathan Lane, Jr.*, Morris Frederic R. Leach*,
How/When were women were granted membership? (2 points)
By vote of the Board of Directors on August 7, 1976
What is the Fraternity’s flower? (1 point
Yellow rose____________________________________________________
Where is the Fraternity now incorporated and when was this approved? (2 poi
Indiana, 1997 _________________________________________________
What are the Fraternity’s colors? (2 points)
Navy blue and gold
What is the minimum length of the pledge program? (1 point)
Five weeks____________________________________________________
What is the minimum grade point average required to pledge the Fraternity? (1 point)
Minimum required for graduation from university__________________

What is the Fraternity’s meeting opening question & response? (2 points)
Q) For what purpose are we gathered?
A) To deliberate, to receive counsel and advice and to study the teachings of our Fraternity so that we may become better leaders

  1. What are two things the Fraternity’s hazing policy prohibits? (2 points)
a. No chapter shall conduct hazing activities. b. At no time during pledge education is there to be verbal abuse of an individual, including shouting, screaming and the use of profanity.

What are two things the Fraternity’s harassment policy prohibits? (2 points).
    1. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other sexually offensive verbal or physical contact will not be condoned or permitted, and may in fact be in violation of state and/or federal law.
    2. The Fraternity will not tolerate or condone any form of sexually abusive behavior on the part of its members, whether physical, mental or emotional.