American Gov. CH 12

Supreme Court Decision Making

44 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Writ of Certirari
An order from the Supreme Court to a lower court to send up the records on a case for review.
Per Curiam Opinion
A brief unsigned statement of a Supreme Court decision
A written statement setting forth 1. legal arguments 2. relevant facts 3. precedents supporting one side of a case
A model(case) on which to base later decisions or actions
Amicus Curiae
Latin for "Friend of the Court" meaning a written brief from an indiviual or group claiming to have information useful to a court's consideration of a case- a way to lobby
Majority Opinion
The Court's decision expressing the views of the majority of justices
Dissenting Opinion
The opinion expressed by a minority of justices in a Court case
Direct contact made by a lobbyist in order to persuade government officals to support the polices their interst group favors
How does the Supreme Court effect us?
1. Interprets law 2 Shapes public policy
A written explaination of a Sumpreme Court decision or the interpretation of state constitution or state laws by the state's attorney general
Unanimous Opinion
A Cpurt decision in which all justices vote the same way
Concurring Opinion
The court's opinion expressing the views of a justice(s) who agree with the majority's conclusions but for different reasons
4 Types of Decisions
1. Unanimous 2. Majority 3. Concurring 4. Dissenting
How do most cases come to the Supreme Court?
The Process of an Appeal Case
1. Petition for Writ of "Cert"is given to the court 2. 1/3 of the cases are put on a discuss list by justices or law clerks 3. If four of the justices agree they will accept the case- "the rule of 4" 4. The case will then be handled in three ways a. returned to lower court for new decision b. per curiam opinion c. full consideration