American History Chapter 4 Flashcards

Learn, Study, and Revise the key terms, events, and much more for American History Chapter 4 with our quiz-based flashcards quizzes. Learn key events, functions, and much more related to American History Chapter 4 with the help of our flashcards quizzes with ease. ​

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Governor of Massachusetts Bay
John Winthrop
What did Puritans want to change about the Church of England?
Simpler way of worship-no organ music, decorated worship places, special clothing for priests
What did Puritans want to base their new society on?
Biblical laws and teachings
Who set up the colony of Connecticut?
Thomas Hooker
Why did Thomas Hooker leave Massachusetts Bay Colony?
Thought the governor and it's officials had too much power
Thomas Hooker created a plan that gave all men who owned property the right to vote & limited governors power this is called
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Who created the colony of Rhode Island?
Roger Williams
What was Roger Williams feel was a big problem in Massachusetts Bay?
That the church had too much power
What was Williams view about the church and state?
That the two needed to be separated. The states job was to maintain peace and order
Williams based his colony on the idea of Toleration. What is toleration?
The willingness to let other people practice their own belief.
What did Anne Hutchinson do that was so wrong in Puritan society?
Criticize ministers teachings, said God spoke to her directly.
How does God speak to people in Puritan society?
Through the Bible
What did the Puritan officials say was wrong with Anne Hutchinson? (Their verdict)
She was deluded by the devil
The Wampanoag Indian chief who led an attack on 12 towns, killing more than 600 settlers
A center of a village where the cattle grazed in the open field