Brandon st udy guid

31 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the story of the American Revolution?
How our country came to be.
What is a revolution?
When people fight to replace one government with another.
How many colonies where in America by 1760?
13 colonies Massachusetts was one of the colonies.
Why did the British need money?
1. To pay for wars they fought. 2. To pay soldiers sent to America
Why did British soldiers go to America?
To protect the colonists from the Native Americans
Why did the British fight wars?
To gain control of more land in the "New World"
Why did the Brtish tax the colonists?
To raise money.
What is a tax?
Money people pay to the government.
What types of items were taxed?
Sugar, molasses. (colonists used these items every day) Paper, paint and tea were also taxed
Why did the colonists think the taxes were unfair?
It cost a lot of money. They did not think that laws should be passed in England without a vote. They had no say in what laws were passed in England.
Were the colonists allowed to vote in Engalnd?
No they were not allowed to send representatives to the British parliament(government meetings)
What is the Stamp Act?
It said that certain papers the colonists used had to have special stamps on them. The colonists had to pay for them.
What items needed stamps?
Letter, newspapers, playing cards.
Where does "No taxation without representation" come from?
The colonists thought they should be allowed to vote on the laws passed in England.
What did the colonists do about the taxes?
1. wrote letters about how unfair they were. 2. they did not pay the stamp act. 3.Stopped buying British goods(tea, sugar, cloth)