The American Vision Chapter 3

Unit 3: Creation of the Constitution

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Articles of Confederation
A plan for a loose union of the states under the authority of the Congress
Shays's Rebellion
Conflict in Massachusetts in 1787 where approximately 1200 farmers, led by former Continental Army Captain, Daniel Shays attempted to seize weapons from an arsenal, resulting in the death of four farmers. The conflict further supported the need for a stronger national government.
Opponents to the Constitution. Included John Hancock, Patrick Henry, and western farmers
Supporters of the Constitution. Included James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, large landowners
Checks & Balances
The system in which each branch of government has the ability to limit the power of the other branches to prevent any from becoming too powerful
Alexander Hamilton
Federalist. He was one of the authors of The Federalist Papers.
James Madison
Nationalist (supporter of a strong central government). Member of the Virginia Assembly. The creator of The Virginia Plan.
The Federalist Papers
A collection of 85 essays written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton & John Jay that summarized the arguments for ratifying the Constitution.
Political system in which power is divided between the national and state governments
Great Compromise
Agreement based on an idea from Roger Sherman of Connecticut that suggested The House of Representatives would be based on the state's population, but the states would have equal representation in the Senate. Sometimes called The Connecticut Compromise.
Separation of Powers
Government principle in which power is divided between different branches
Limited Government
A political system in which legalized force is restricted through delegated and enumerated powers
Three-Fifths Compromise
Agreement that allowed every five slaves to count as three people for determining representation and determined that the Congress could not tax exports and that the slave trade would not be banned until 1808.
Bill of Rights
A summary of fundamental rights and privileges guaranteed to a people against violation of the state
State's Rights
All rights not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution nor denied by it to the states