Anatomy Back and Scapula Muscles

Strictly the location. Not origin or insertion yet.

28 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
Latissimus Dorsi
Superficial layer, posterior torso, largest muscle
Levator Scapulae
Superficial layer, but just deep to the trapezius muscle, on scapula
Rhomboid Major
Superficial layer in atlas, just deep to trapezius, inferior to the Rhomboid minor
Rhomboid Minor
Superficial layer in atlas, just deep to the trapezius, superior to the rhomboid major.
You know which one that is, silly. Most superficial layer
Serratus anterior
Just deep to the latissimus dorsi muscle, sits laterally from erector spinae, superior to the serratus posterior inferior muscle
Four parts of the rotator cuff:
Infraspinatus, subscapularis, suprasoinatus, teres minor
Directly medial to deltoid muscle, and lateral to trapezius
Anterior to the supraspinatus.
Located on the shoulder just left of the levator scapulae, deep to the trapezius.
Teres minor
Lateral to infraspinatus and medial to deltoid, superior to teres major
Teres Major
Inferior to the teres minor
Most superficial layer, lateral to trapezus and infraspinatus.
Long head of triceps brachii
Serratus posterior inferior
Directly deep to the latissimus dorsi, inferior to erector spinae, and serratus anterior muscle