Anatomy Ch 11

Axial muscles

147 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Axial muscles have both their...
Origins and insertions on parts of axial skeleton
Axial muscles functions...
Support& move head and spinal column, nonverbal communication, chewing, food processing& swallowing, aid breathing, support &protect abdominal &pelvic organs
5 groups of axial muscles based on location
Muscles of: head and neck, vertebral column, respiration, abdominal wall, pelvic floor
Where do muscles of facial expression have their origin?
In superficial fascia or on skull bones.
Where do these muscles insert into?
Into superficial fascia of skin, wo when they contract, they contort the skin, causing it to move.
Kllwhich cranial nerve are they innervated by?
Cranial nerve 7 (CN VII)
The epicranius is composed of___and a broad ____ , also called
The occipitofrontalis muscle, epicranial aponeurosis, aponeurtica
Where is the frontal belly and what does it do?
Superficial to frontal bone of forehead. when muscle contracts, raises eyebrows and wrinkles skin of forehead
What does the occipital belly do?
Covers posterior side of head. when it contracts, it retracts scalp slightly
What is deep to the frontal belly?
Corrugator supercilii
What does the Corrugator supercilii do?
Draws the eyebrows together and creates vertical wrinkle lines above the nose
What does the orbicularis oculi consist of?
Circular muscle fibers that surround the orbit
What happens when the orbicularis oculi contract?
The eyelid closes, as when you wink, blink, or squint
What does the levator palpebrae superioris do?
Elevates the upper eyelid when you open your eyes
What are some of the facial expressions associated with?
The nose