Anatomy Chapter 6 Test


9 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are the five functions of bone?
Protection of vital organs
storage of minerals and nutrients
production of blood cells
What are the four types of bones and their examples?
Long Bone: Humerus/Femur
Short Bone: Tarsal/Carpal
Flat Bone: Ribs/Scapulae
Irregular Bone: Vertebrae/ Pelvis
What are the three types of bone cells and function?
Osteocytes: mature cells
osteoclasts: release acid and enzymes to break down bone indirectly responsible for release of calcium and stored minerals and nutrients.
Osteoblasts: responsible for growth of bone cells
Replacing other tissues with bones
Intramembraneous ossification begins when
Begins when osteoblasts differentiate within embryonic or fetal fibrous connective tissue
Intramembraneous ossification can be found in where
Deeper layers of the dermis
Steps of endochondrial ossification
Chondrocytes at the center of the growing cartilage model enlarge and then die as matrix calcifies

newly derived osteoblasts cover the shaft of the cartilage in a thin layer of bone

blood vessels penetrate the cartilage new osteoblasts form a primary ossification center

the bone of the shaft thickens, and the cartilage newar each epiphysis is replaced by shafts of bone

blod vessels invade the epiphyses and osteoblasts form secondary centers of ossification.
The four steps in injury repair
Fracture hematoma(large blood clot)

localized thickining (internal or external callus)

oseteoblasts repace the new central cartilage of the external callys with spongey bone