Anatomy Special Senses

Anatomy speci al sense

89 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is sensory perception?
Specific receptor's response to an external/internal stimulus that initiates an action potential from the PNS to the CNS
What is a specific response to an external/internal stimulus that initiates an action potential from the PNS to the CNS?
Sensory perception
What happens in turn of sensory perception?
Reflex/integrated motor response occurs
What is the receptor for touch?
What is the receptor for pain?
What is the receptor for cold?
Touch, pain, and cold are examples of stimuli that ascend specific spinal pathways to the ___ and then the _____ [post-central gyrus].
-thalamus -primary sensory cortex
What is also known as the post-central gyrus?
Primary sensory cortex
What are the special senses?
-olfaction -taste -vision -hearing & equilibrium
What nervous system are the special senses a part of?
What function and cranial nerves is taste?
Gustation: CN VII, IX, X
What function and cranial nerves is olfaction?
Smell: CN I
What cranial nerves functions for vision?
What cranial nerves functions for hearing and equilibrium?
Except for olfaction, all sensations first synapse in the __.