Anthro FInal

8th grade

96 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A subfield of anthropology that includes the study of the structure, history, and social aspects of human language
The general study of the sounds used in human speech
The smallest unit of sound in speech that will indicate a difference in meaning
The smallest combination of sounds in human speech that can carry a meaning
The manner in which minimum units of meaning (morphemes) are combined
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
A hypothesis about the relationship between language and culture that states the language constructs perceptions
The use of the body to communicate- gesturs, posture and facial expression
The study of the use of space in communication
Silent Language
All of a culture's nonverbal symbolic systems of communication, including kinesics and proxemics
The knowledge, tools and skills used by humans to manipulate their environments
A food-procurement strategy that involves collecting wild plant and animal foods
A food-procurement strategy that involves collecting wild plant and animal foods
Cultural choices consistently made by a society and practiced generation to generation
Carring Capacity
The ability of an econiche to support an organism
Family band
A type of band organisation consisting of nuclear family units that move independently within an area. Joins others when resources are plentiful; travels alone at other times