ANTHRO: Illness and Healing

Chapter 7 

17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Clinical medical anthropology 
Also known as applied medical anthropology - the application of anthropological knowledge to further the goals of health care providers 
Community healing
Emphasizes social context as crucial to healing, open, everyone has access, all people come to watch (eg. all night healing dances)
Critical medical anthropology
Considers the way economic and political structures shape people's health status, their access to health care, and the prevailing healing systems - illness is a product of someone's defined position than "natural"
Culture-bound syndromes
A collection of signs and symptoms that is restricted to a particular culture or a limited number of cultures (eg. anorexia in Western and industrialized cultures) 
Diseases of development
Diseases that are caused or increased by economic development activities
A specialist uses techniques to gain supernatural insights - magical religious technique
Ecological/epidemiological approach
Examines how aspects of the natural environment interact with culture to cause health problems and to influence their spread throughout populations
Explores the cultural knowledge of local plants, including the use of plants as medicines 
Cross-cultural health systems
Humoral healing systems
Based on a philosophy of balance among certain natural elements within the body - different foods/drugs have "heating" or "cooling" effects
Medical pluralism
Refers to a situation in which more than one medical/health system exists in a given society
The labeling of a particular issue or problem as medical and requiring medical treatment when, in fact, it may be economic or political
Placebo effect
A healing effect obtained through the positive power of believing that a particular method is efficacious
A healer who mediates between humans and the spirit world
The interpretive approach
Examines how different cultures experience illness and how they respond to it - symbols, placebo effect, etc.