A&P 2 Lab Final

62 cards   |   Total Attempts: 185

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In the Nephron, the Renal Corpuscle is composed of what 2 structures?
Bowman's Capsule and Glomerulus
The ________ convoluted tubule is the part that reabsorbs the good nutrients in the nephron.
The __________ 's function is to create a concentration gradient in the medulla during urea seperation.
Loop of Henle
What 3 structures are part of the Trigone in the bladder?
Ureters, pelvic floor attachment, urethra
The urinary bladder is made of what type of tissue?
Transitional epithelial
The internal sphincter is made of what type of muscle and is therefore involuntary?
The external unrinary sphincter is made of ___________ muscle and is therefore under voluntary control.
The word for "urination" is ____________
Urine is ______ % water?
The constituent of urine that is the break down of amino acids is called ________.
______ is the constituent of urine that stores energy for regeneration of ATP's.
An average pH level for urine is ____ but can range anywhere from ____ to _____.
6; 4.5 to 8
Specific gravity values should range from _____ to ______.
1.001 - 1.035
Name the 6 conditions that can be related to abnormal urinary constituent values.
Albuminuria, Hematuria, Ketonuria, Glucosuria, Pyuria, Bilirubinuria
Excessive exercise, heart failure, hypertension, kidney damage and type 1 diabetes can cause there to be too much protein in the urine... this condition is called?