Ap Euro Chapter 20

The napelonic era

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What time period was the napelionic era from?
Who was in charge before napeleon ruled?
The Directory but no one liked them and they had no rule
What is a coupd'etat? and how is this realated to np?
A coupd'eteat is when the military replaces a goverment power. This person assumes political control of the goverment(NP) he was announced the first consal- 1st leader in power. It is when three officals take power of the whole country but in this case np took the tiltle of colsul for life so he took the place of the second and third.
What was the Consitution of 8 yrs?
Stated that np gets all the powers of a dictator.
What was the concordant od 1801 ment to accomplish?
Bonaparte knew that the chatholics are always the oppisition of peace so he offered a deal they get their land back they get to worship freely and it is seen as the domint religion in France. The major deal that bonaparte gets is the lliberty to alect all the bishops and to let go of all the chatholic figures that agreed or diagreed with the French Revolotuion the popes and bishops have to say that they are part of the state and that they are below it they also had to state their alliance and loyalty to NP
What did the NP code state? Did people like it?
He codified the laws meaning that he wrote them down. He made all the laws the same throughout France, protection of property, you cannot purchase offices,Women loose rights beacuse of theses laws so the women didnt like them, serfs where set free but they really had no where elese to go they could purchase the land, but they would have to give it to their owner, no more freedom of press bascilly he said there was but he would only let people that said good things about him be published,
What was the secret police force? and what was it astablished for?
The secret police force was established to put certain people under surviallence, if they apposed np in any way they would be put into jail or into an insane asylum
Why did NP name himself the emperor and France his dynasty?
After a bomb threat NP wanted to make sure that the next in line for the thrown would be his son
Who was present at the corinition and what did NP do that was peculiar?
The bishop of Notre Dame, he crowned himself saying that he was that powerfull to do it himself and having equal power of god
How long did the empire last for?
The empire lasted for 10 yrs
What did NP have that no other ruled had?
He inspired his army, they had undying loyalty for him(nationalism having pride in your country) he had military expirence or had militarty mobliztion, and he had the largest army beacuse of conscription meaning that he drafted any single man, he was a military genius
Why couldnt NP conqure GB? What did he try to do to change that?
GB had the best navy and controlled all the sea, he was defreated by Nelson,Hortio
What was the major conquest that NP had? What land did he gain?
He defeated Austria and Russia, he won Italy from austria and got alliance from Russia and Austria
What land does NP conqere and renames?
The HRE and he names it the confederation of the Rhine he then attacks prussia and wins
What are the countries NP conquered?
HRE, Spain, Egypt, Prussia, Russia, Austria, Italy, France, and Germany