AP GOV Judiciary

Judiciary Bra nch. Sup

28 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the Judiciary Act of 1789?
The judiciary act established the basic three tiered structure of the federal court system.
What is the size of the Supreme Court?
The supreme court has 9 justices.
Who is John Marshall, and what did he contribute?
John Marshall headed the Supreme Court from 1801 to 1835. He brought respect and prestige to Supreme court, and is considered to be the most important judge to ever sit on the supreme court.
What happened in Fletcher v Peck (1810)?
Fletcher v Peck established courts ability to declare state laws invalid
What is judicial review?
Judicial review is the power of the courts to review acts of other branches of government and the states.
How it the judicial system of the united states described as?
US judicial system is described as a dual system consisting of federal court system, and judical systems of 50 state courts.
What is a trial court?
Trial court is the courts of original juristiction where cases begin.
What is an appellate court?
An appellate court is courts that generally review only findings of the law made by lower courts.
What is the practice of seriatim?
THe practice of justices speaking individually of their opinons. This practice was discontinued by Marshall.
Who was Abe Fortas?
Abe Fortas was appointed by LBJ- long time friends (rewards).
Who was Sandra O'Connor?
Reagan felt pressure from feminist groups; nominated Connor to vacancy on court to satisfy them
Who was the last justice to have the 'jewish seat'?
Abe Fortas in 1969
How many Catholics have sat on the Supreme Court?
How many people of different race and gender to sit on the Supreme court?
Only 2 black, and 2 women.
Who was Thurgood Marshall?
First black justice