AP Government

Help me study for my AP EXAM. i hope i do well, or i just might fail and that would suck cause i wouldn't be able to graduate

48 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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How do we formally amend the constitution?
Propose by 2/3 congress and ratified by 3/4 of states, illustrates the federal structure of the US government
Know the checks and balances between the three branches.
What was Madison's opinion of factions in Federalist 10? How could they be controlled?
Natural, but controllable by institutions; undesirable but inevitable in a free nation
What was the most important effect of replacing the articles of confederation with the constitution?
Creation of strong national government
Define the doctrine of original intent
Meaning of constitution based on the intent of the framers
List the core values of the US political culture.
Legal equality, political equality, freedom of religion, freedom of speech
What was the importance of Shay's rebellion to the development of the constitution?
Strong national government needed to protect property
Define federalism and how is power distributed.
A division of power between the central government and regional government
Which principles was established in mccullough v maryland?
States can not interfere with, or tax the legitimate activities of the federal government, doctrine of implied powers and supremacy clause.
The 10th amendment reserved powers to the states can best be described as those powers not granted to the national government or ________ to the states are reserved to the states.
The framers believed that the primary function of government is____________________.
Protecting individuals property rights.
The interpretations of the necessary and proper clause have been central in defining the principle of ________ and it has allowed the national government to extend its _______ powers.
Federalism, enumerated
The framers of the constitution devised a legislative process that can best be described as ________ and __________.
Cautious, deliberative
List four consequences of our federal system
Inequality of government services across sub national entities, opportunities for experimentation by states in government programs, multiple points of access for interest groups, decentralization of political conflict.
The original constitution included provisions to _______ the economic powers the national government