A&P II: Quiz 2 Immune System

Quiz 2

39 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The immune system turns agains the host body....friendly fire
What % of North America is afflicted with an autoimmune disease? What fraction of them are women?
5% with 2/3 being women
Disease which destroys the myelin of the white matter of the brain and spinal cord
Multiple Sclerosis
Disease which impairs communication between nerves and skeletal muscles due to destruction of ACh receptors at neural synapses.
Myasthenia Gravis
Disease which prompts the thyroid gland to produce excessive amounts of thyroxine (antibodies not killing follice cells, but mimmicking TSH)
Grave's Disease
Symptoms are Drooping upper eyelids, difficulty swallowing and talking, generalized muscle weakness
Myasthenia Gravis
Symptoms are visual disturbances including blindness, problems controlling muscles (weakness, clumsiness, and ultimately paralysis), speech disturbances, urinary incontinence.
Multiple Sclerosis
Myeling sheaths in CNS are destroyed and reduced to nonfunctional hardened lesions called....
What causes MS to go through cycles of remission and relapse to be typical of the disease
The axons are undamagaed, so the slow, myelin-free axons construct extra Na+ channels to compensate, and speed up the signals. This works temporarily.
Symptoms include, elevated metabolic rate, sweating, rapid irregular heartbeat, nervousness, bulging eyeballs
Grave's Disease
Mixture of dead or dying neutrophils, broken-down tissue cells, and living and dead pathogens
Walled off sac of pus formed by collogen fibers
Tumorlike growths that contain a central region of infected macrophages surrounded by uninfected macrophages and an outer fibrous capsule..... which can break out into full blown infection when immune system is compromised
Infectious granulomas
What is an example of an infectious granuloma?
Tuberculosis bacilli
Ascaris and Schistosoma are examples of what?
Parasitic Worms