AP U.S. Gov. & Pol. Unit 1 Chapter 1 Vocabulary

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Rule by the "best"; in reality, rule by the upper class.
A type of regime in which only the government itself is fully controlled by the ruler. Social and economic institutions exist that are not under the government's control.
Consent of the People
The idea that governments andlaws derive their legitimacy from the consent of the governed.
A set of beliefs that includes a limited role for the national governmetn in helping individuals and support for tradtional values.
A system in which ultimate political authority is vested in the people.
Direct Democracy
A system in which political decisions are made by the people directly, rather than by their elected representatives.
Dominant Culture
The values, customs and language established by the group or groups that traditionally have controlled politics and governemtn in society.
An upper socioeconomic class that controls political and economic affairs.
Elite Theory
A perspective holding that society is ruled by a small number of people who exercise powewr in their self-interest.
As a political value, the idea that all people are equal worth.
The institution in which decisions are made that resolve conflicts or allocate benefits and privileges. It is unique because it has the ultimate authority within society.
A comprehensive set of beliefs about the nature and about the role of government.
A procedure by which voteers can propose a law or constitutional amendment.
An ongoing organization that performs certain functions for society.
A governemental body primarily responsible for hte making of laws.