AP US History Unit 1 Test

APUSH Unit one test words to know

41 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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  • The conquistadors were Spanish conquerors/explorers who sailed to the Americas to obtain gold, silver, and other treasures. They were often brutal and resorted to any means to get what they wanted.
Sir Walter Raleigh
Financed several expeditions to America that settled in NC; failed; started the colony of Roanoke
First permanent English colony
John Rofle
Saved the first permanent settlement by teaching them how to grow tobacco
John Smith
Military Leader of the first colony; saved by Pocahontas
Act of Toleration
Maryland statute that granted religious freedom to all religions; both protestant and catholic
House of Burgesses
First Representative government in the New World
Law of Primogeniture
The right of the eldest child, especially the eldest son, to inherit the entire estate of one or both parents.
Religious group that believed that all men and women were equal; believed in inner light; did not believe in fighting (pacifists)
Salutary Neglect
Colonists were allowed to develop on their own by England; Long-term development of the American Revolution
Trade and Navigation Acts
Stated that all goods had to be on British ships which had British soldiers and all goods had to first go through England
Glorious Revolution
English overthrow of James II in 1688;established victory of parliament over king;
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
First constitution in the colonies
Roger Williams
Puritan who broke away from the church; founded rhode island; concepts of freedom of religion and separation of church and state
Anne Hutchinson
Merican colonist (born in England) who was banished from Boston for her religious views