Art Appreciation Final Exam Flashcards

Prepare for the Art Appreciation Final Exam in a brief manner with these flashcards and revise the concepts related to it. Learn the important terms, definitions, and much more briefly with these image-based flashcards quizzes. Be prepared for the Art Appreciation Final Exam and master this topic with ease and fun by attempting Flashcards quizzes.

69 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Categories of Art
1. Realistic- Natural Presentation of subject matter
2. Abstract- Can be seen but changed to be expressive
3. Non-Objective- no subject, color, shape, form, texture
French word for cut and paste.
Consistant handling of the artists media or subject.
Artists materials such as pencil, watercolor, oils, etc.
Type of collage made of photos.
2D vs 3D
2-D lengths and width (drawing, paints) 3-D length, width, depth (sculpture, ceramics)
The path of a moving point, defines edges of shapes and forms.
Property of Line
1. Direction- horizontal (restful, calm) vertical (stability,structure), diagonal (imply motion/action)
2. Measure- Infinite # of long, short, thick, thin lines
3. Character- shows emotional quality and dependent on nature of artistic media
Visual sense of oneness. Each element is arranged to contribute to the composition, no one part sticks out
Shows edge of shape and forms drawn.
An area enclosed by line, or seen as an area because of color or value changes
Geometric Shape
Shape with mathematic design (straight line/shape)
Organic Shapes
Irregular shapes found in nature, flowing edges
Big changes in elements of art to create interest
Drawing artists use when shading, relative lightness or darkness of a surface