Art History - CH. 7,8,9,10,11

Flashcards used for chapters 7-11 of Art History 1301

5 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Which architectural element, sometimes seen in Early Christian longitudinal churches, did not derive from the Roman basilica?
The transept
Which of the following is NOT a possible explanation for motivations for the Iconoclasm in the eighth century?
Iconoclasts viewed icons as a threat to the authority of Church clergy
The poet and philosopher Theodore Metochites is responsible for the elaborate program of decorative ________ that cover(s) every inch of the funerary chapel at the church of the Monastery of Christ in Chora.
Question 4
The Christian Good Shepherd image draws on pagan images of all of the following EXCEPT:
Architects of the Cathedral of St. Mark in Venice relied on a Greek-cross plan, marking each square unit with a separate __________.