Art History Chapter 11 Flashcards

​Study and learn for Art History Chapter 11 which includes Prehistoric Art and The Early New East with our image-based flashcards. Attempt this set of flashcards which are simple and easy and learn about Art History Chapter 11 with us. Do go through them and get to see just how much you might learn in the process. All the best!

13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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What is the defination of Statigraphy?
 is the stacking of stuff-example- rocks layers on top of each other
What is the defination of Relief?
is the carving is when you have a flat lock of stone and the figure emerges around and out of the stone- (its sculpted inside the stone with part of the stone still attached) The artist cuts the design into the surface so that the highest projecting parts of the image are no higher than the surface itself.
What is the definition of Incision?
Taking a sharp tool and making marks inside it
What is the definition of Outline?
Would be drawing the rest of the horse
What is the definition of Silhouette?
the example in this painting would be on the head because it is filled in
What is the definition of Composite Perspective?
is showing something that is impossible to see- example here is in the horns where you can see both of them yet the picture is drawn from the side
What is the definition of Armature?
is basically the skeleton inside of the sculpture
What is the definition of Confronted?
two felines facing one another in the same pose
This is very common in royal formal art
What is the definition of Tumulus?
A very large mounded up tomb with a chamber in the middle
It’s significant because one day of the year the sun stabs down and pierces the back of the tomb
What is the definition of Megalithic?
Things built out of large stones
What is the definition of Stylized?
the snake pot shows the swirling of the snake form the top to bottom etc.
What is the definition of Lapis Lazuli?
It is a bluish stone
What is the definition of Iconography?
Something that can be easily recognized to stand for something else. example- the goddess with the sticks on the Warka Vase