ARTH201 Last Set

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84 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Edgar Degas, The Orchestra at the Opera House c 1868-69 oil on canvas -space is compressed, people are upfront -barely see ballerinas
Hiroshige, Plum Estate, Kameido 1857 -woodblock print -though not valued in Japan, Europeans thought they were incredible -as though viewer is sitting in tree
Claude Monet, Impresssion, Sunrise 1872 oil on canvas Impressionism = obvious brushstrokes, doesn't portrau scene accuratley, distortion of feeling
Auguste Renoir, Luncheon of the Boating Party, 1881 oil on canvas -loose brushstrokes -middle class people enjoying lunch
Eduord Manet, A Bar at the Folies-Bergere 1881-82 oil on canvas -bar maid has detatched look -looks like she's thinking about something else -artist creates mystery with mirror: when gentleman with top hat is present, she looks more animated -why is the mirror at an angle? -OR is the mirror what she is thinking about (since her eyes are looking down)
Mary Cassatt, The Child's Bath, 1891-92 oil on canvas -artist best known for depicting mother and children -chest in background: loose strokes -unusual perspective: we are standing abover her
Claude Monet, Wheatstack, Sun in the Mist 1891 oil on canvas -wheatstacks are very abstract -little information about object -artist uses complements of color
Paul Cezanne, Mount Sainte-Victoire c,1885-87 oil on canvas -interested in space & how to build form through color -gets to underlying structures -reduces forms to flat plains -creates scenes through plains of brushstrokes
Paul Cezanne, Still Life with Apples in a Bowl 1879-83 oil on canvas -wall paper design has dimensionality -no rest - everything is geometric -busy
Georges Seurat, Sunday Afternoon on the Isand of La Grand Jatte oil on canvas 1846-86 -artist creates pointilism -orderly, hardly an movement -elegant long figures, but working class people -artist believed that colors shouldn't be blended
Vincent Van Gogh, The Night Cafe 1888 -expresses sickness of humanity with red and green -figures of sleeping hooligans
Vincent Van Gogh, The Starry Night 1889 oil on canvas -idea of movement in sky
Paul Gauguin, Vision of the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel) 1888 oil on canvas -women are thinking about the vision -flat areas of color -makes us think about meaning
Paul Gauguin, Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? oil on canvas
Eadweard Muybridge, Galloping Horse, 1878 -inspired by invention of cinema