Arts 1110(English)

Learning & ; teachi

31 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Def: learning paradigm
The theory of learning that lies beneath the teaching & learning practices of a particular educational environment.
Def: Metacognition
"Literally 'beyond knowing', knowing what one knows and doesnt know- a students ability to self-moniter levels of understanding & predict how well he will do on a particular task"
Metacognition Promotes:
-Active listening -problem solving -student responsibility -awareness of failures to comprehend
Def: Spatial Learners
-Absorb information more easily when it is presented visually. (work well with graphs & diagrams)
Def: Verbal Learners
-Tend to learn more easily when information is presented in language. (May need to translate graphical info into language in order to absorb it.
Def: Applied Learners
-Most comfortable with tasks that require an understanding of the real, or physical world.(Learn best with concrete examples)
Def: Conceptual Learners
-Prefer to work with language & concepts.(Most comfortable when they are taught a rule or principle first and then asked to work from the rule to a conrete example)
Memory can be understood to have 3 distinct stages:
1)Encoding 2)Storage 3)Retrieval
Def: Encoding
The process of recording sensory data from the outside world.(to improve Encoding get rid of competing stimuli AKA tv,music)
Name 3 forms of storage. (hint first starts with an "S")
1. Sensory storage 2. Short-term memory 3. long-term memory
Def: Retrieval
The process of recovering stored information from the memory (to improve retrieval use active learning techniques like CNT method & SQR3)
3 principal ways in wich information is transferred to long-term. (hint, 2 start with R)
1- Rote Learning (repitition of info) 2-Elaborative Rehearsal (The connection of new material with already learned material) 3-Recoding (Rearranging, changing, grouping, or categorizing of information)
Forgetting: it can be caused by a number of factors, name the main 2.
1) Proactive Interference -occurs when old learning interferes with the acquisition of new info. 2) Retroactive Interference -occurs when new learning destabilizes existing knowledge.
Blooms taxonomy- Name the 6 levels from highest to lowest.
1)Evaluation 2)Synthesis 3)Analysis 4)Application 5)Understanding 6)Knowledge
Name 3 verbs generally associated with this level. Knowledge/remembering
Arrange, Define, duplicate, label, memorize