ASVAB Physics Flashcards

Here is the set related to ASVAB Physics in the form of flashcards. Learn about the terms mostly used in ASVAB Physics with the help of the flashcards method. Easy to learn and remember the ASVAB Physics with the help of Flashcards.

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Mass vs. weight
Mass = the amount of matter that something has.
Weight = the force exerted on an object's mass by gravity.
Velocity (def, formula)
The rate at which an object changes positions. V=distance/time. Vector quantity = described my magnitude and direction.
Momentum (def, formula)
The tendency of an object to continue moving in the same direction. Momentum=mass x velocity.
Acceleration (def, formula)
Rate change of velocity. acceleration = change in velocity/change in time.
Force (def, unit)
Push or pull that forces an object to change its speed or direction. Ex: Weight. Unit of force = newton.
Work (def, formula, unit)
the force exerted on an object times the distance moved in the direction of the force. work = force x distance. unit of work = newton-meter OR joule.
Power (def, formula, unit)
The rate at which work is performed. Power = work/time. Power = (force x distance)/time. Unit of power = joule per second or watt.
Newton's first law of motion
An object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion, unless acted upon by an outside force. ex: friction, gravity.
Newton's second law of motion
Net force = mass x acceleration
law of inertia.
the greater the mass of an object, the greater the force needed to overcome its inertia.
Newton's third law of motion
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Newton's law of gravitation (4 laws)
1. the force exerted on the Earth by the Sun is equal and opposite to the force exerted on the Sun by the Earth.
2. If the mass of the Earth were doubled, the force on the Earth would double.
3. If the mass of the Sun were doubled, the force of the Earth would double.
4. If the Earth were twice as far away from the Sun, the force on the Earth would be a factor of four smaller.
Energy (two types)
the capacity to do work
kinetic - moving object & potential - energy stored in an object based on position, shape, state
Law of conservation of energy
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Changes from one form to another form.
Sound waves
Produced when an object vibrates. Can travel through air, liquids, solids, but not a vacuum or empty space. High frequency = high pitch.
Doppler effect
Occurs when either the source of the sound waves, the listener, or both, are moving.