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Common factors of definitions of attitudes
1-learned, psych states2-not purely affect, but contain affect/emotional aspects3-influence our thoughts and behaviors (evaluative)3-differ in valence (+/-) and strength
Attitude Strength
The stronger the attitude... -morelikely to influence/guide/predict behavior-more persistent/enduring over time -more resistant to change-more functions it fulfills for us-more it influences perception and processing of info-more likely we are to act consistently w/ it
Attitudes NOT the same as...
Values: aka ideals, guiding principles, overarching goals.... these are broader and underly attitudes ex//equality Beliefs: cognitive, our cognition and interpretation of the world
Why do we care?
Influence worldview, self-perception, others around us how we think/act/feel/live day to day we perceive reality and derive meaning from chaos
Structure: Unidimensional
Were seen as an affective orientation towards an attitude object along a single continuum... favorability/unfavorabilityex//likert scale my attitude to cartier is....
Structure: Bidimensional models: Expectancy-value approach model
Attitude=sum each belief x each evaluation attitude a combination of belief/expectations of an attitude object AND feelings/evaluations of these beliefs -adds the cognitive factor to emotional evaluation
Good and bad potential: attitudes about objects to which we have simultaneously + and - evaluations.... not always apparent but can be seen when we list cog/affect/behaviors individually felt: a feeling of tension consciously experienced when thinking about an attitude object... confusion, indecision, mixed feelings
Not good or bad
Pos and Neg weights
Unequalnegative bias: in general, neg stimuli/experiences are more attention getting/memorable than neutral/pos experiencesex//people react more strongly to loss than gain emotionallyremember neg images more than pos why?evolutionary... avoid the bad/dangerous more imp than approaching something good/tasty.... more difficult to overcome danger than pursue reward
Pos and Neg weights
Positive offset: generally interpret neutral situations as mildly pos... most people rate their lives as somewhat pos most of thet timeno clear threat? things seem ok or pretty good evolution: pos emotionality associated w/ activation of approach motivational system vs avoidance and BAS vs BIS... go explore... B&B
Tripartite models
Adds behavioral factor past behavior...attitude reflects endency to behave a certain way around a certain attitude object
Affect, cognition, behavior related, not redundant and not completely tied to one another
Non-dimensional model: Associative network model
-attitude objects as nodes in associative network-attitude summative association between object and its evaluation-attitude object associated with beliefs-BELIEFS THEMSELVES ASSOCIATED ITH EVALUATIONS (GOOD/BAD, POS/NEG)the more frequently links are activated, the stronger the attitude becomes/is network doesnt activate same way each time, attitude toward object changes every time we think of it field going in this direction... but no modelis wrong, diff operationalizations-some more appropirate given situation, sometimes simple is better
Attitude function
Object appraisal: they summarize the + and - attributes of attitude objects in our environment-help us make quick auto sense of environment-shortcuts can lead to mistakes... outdated, not whole picture, caught up in perceptual and behavioural patterns/haits helpful and sensible in most situations, need to be aware of potential negative effects
Knowledge function
Motivated to have stable, useful, meaningful and organized frameworks with which to navigate the world -attitudes organize info about AOs, and help exlain events/situations -make sense of incoming stimuli