Basic Signal Flow

Basic Signal Flow corresponding to the Mackie 1604 16 channel studio mixer and how the mixer works

79 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What does a Channel do?
Brings Signal in, processes it and then routes it
What is a Multi-track?
Recording device capable of recording multiple discrete signals simultaneously. sounds can be edited individually from here.
What is the Input Path for a split console?
Microphone -> Channel -> Multi-track
What is a Split Console
What is the other type of Console and what makes them different?
A split console is when you need separate channels for your input and output (monitor path) The other type is called an In Line Console and you do not need a separate output track
What is the Output Path
MTK -> Channel -> Main Mix -> control room speakers
2 Track
a recording device that we record our mixes to. Has a Left track and a Right track. Use it to create a stereo mixdown
Phantom Imaging
Perception of a sound where there is no source
Microphone Input and how many are on MACKIE 1604
16 on the Mackie 1604. A Mic Input is where you plug a Mic into the mixer. it connects using a balanced XLR cable.
Line Input and the Mackie 1604
16 on Mackie. this is the input port for any non microphone signal 1/4 TRS Cable Bal or Un Bal
Collects hum and radio frequencies and takes them out of the recording
Dynamic Effects
EQ, Compressors, Expander, Gate. These are efects that alter the amplitude of the signal
Serial Connection
One thing happening after the other
Insert I/O
Where you apply dynamic effects on the mixer. It is an input and output using one Y TRS cable. There are 18 insert points on the Mackie
Direct Outputs
There are 8 on the mackie. they are used onl to send signals to the multi track
Aux Outputs (AUX SENDS)
There are 6 on the Mackie. these are extra ways to get signals out of the channels. they work by sending a copy of the signal to corresponding AUX SEND Outports