Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscopy


32 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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There are 2 knobs on your BIO, on the front and the back. What are the 2 purposes of these knobs?
1. Tighten and balance the BIO on your head.
2. Provide comfortable placement.
Where should you place the headband on your head?
Adjust it so that its one finger width above your eyebrows.
What position (or direction) does the housing knob allow you to place the lenses?
How should the oculars be placed in relationship to the cornea?
Slightly parallel to the cornea or angled down.
Describe the process in which the PD is adjusted.
1. Put your thumb out 16 - 20 inches away centrally from the BIO housing with one eye closed
2. Move your PD until your thumb is centered in the ocular's view.
3. Repeat this in the other eye.
What are the 2 purposes of your mirror surface?
1. adjust the height of the light coming from your BIO
2. reduce the reflections.
Where should you adjuest the mirror to?
Adjust the mirror to the upper 1/3 tp 1/2 of your view.
What is the purpose of the red free (green) filter?
The main purpose is to highlight hemmorhages and to evaluate the depth of pigmentation.
Name three types of patients that the +2.00D lens might be useful for?
1. presbyopes
2. High esophores
3. patients with accomodative problem
What is the purpose of the teaching mirror?
It enables other people to see what the examiner is seeing.
What are the power ranges of a standard condensing lens?
14D to 40D
What side of the condensing lens do you put in front of the patient?
The side with the white ring goes toward the patient.
What are the 8 advantages to BIO?
1. Allows you to view the entire fundus (including peripheral retina)
2. larger field of vision
3. Portable
4. Can view through hazy media.
5. Has binocular high resolution view
6. comfortable working distance.
7. Helpful to examine children who are unable to co-operate with high plus or opthalmoscopy.
8. Complementary to an ophthalmoscope and high plus.
What are the 4 disadvantages of BIO?
1. Very bright for the patient
2. Inverted and reversed images
3. low magnification
4. takes a lot of practice to become proficient at it.
Can you give the following for the BIO?
1. Magnification:
2. Condensing lens power:
3. Field of view:
4. Image orientation:
5. Working distance:
1. 2.5 - 3X
2. 20D
3. 35 degrees
4. reversed and inversed
5. 35 - 60cm.