Bio 102 Exam 1

The first exam for biology 102 at UC.  This has to do with genetics and aquired characteristics.

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Inheritance of Aquired CharacteristicsBLENDING
Pangenesis:Gemmules from parents
Gregor Mendel
Factors are discrete and are passed from parents to offspring. Are not necessarily expressed.
August Weismann
Cut rat tails off
Soma vs. Germline
Chemical is passed from Parent to offspring
NucleinHigh in PhosphorousNUCLEIC ACID
Wilson, Sutton, Boveri
Chromosomes pass from parent to offspring and carry factors
DNA contained equal amounts of A, T and G, C
Stuff can be transformed when mixed with other stuff
Avery Macleod Mccarthy
Destroying proteins does not stop transformation, but nucleic acids did
Hershey-CHase Experiment
DNA is the stuff of inheritance, not proteins
Rosaling Franklin
X-Ray Chrystallographer
Watson, Crick, and Wilkins
Made a model to discover the structure of DNA
Messelson-Stahl Experiment
DNA replication is semi-conservative
Splits apart DNA strands