BIO 2117 Families of Viruses That Affect Humans

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Human parvovirus B19. 5th disease (only in children); anemia in immunocompromised partients.
Mastadenovirus; medium-sized viruses that cause various respiratory infections in humansl some cause tumors in animals.
Papillomavirus (human wart virus) and Polyomavirus. Small viruses that induce tumors; the human wart virus (papilloma) and certain viruses that produce cancer in animals (polyoma and simian) belong to this family.
Orthopoxvirus (vaccinia and smallpox viruses) and Molluscipoxvirus. Very large, complex, brick-shaped viruses that cause diseases such as smallpox (variola), molluscum contagiosum (wartlike skin lesion), and cowpox.
Simplexvirus (HHV-1 and 2), Varicellovirus (HHV-3), Lymphocryptovirus (HHV-4), Cytomegalovirus (HHV-5), Roseolovirus (HHV-6), HHV-7, Kaposi's sarcoma (HHV-8). Medium-sized viruses that cause carious human disease, such as fever blisters, chickenpox/shingles, and infectious monnucleosis; causes a type of human cancer called Burkitt's lymphoma.
Hep. B Virus. After protein synthesis, hep B virus uses reverse transcriptase to produce its DNA from mRNA; causes hep B and liver tumors
Entervirus, Rhinovirus, (common cold virus), Hep A virus (liver). At lease 70 enteroviruses are known including the polio-, coxsackie-, and echo- viruses; more than 100 rhinoviruses exist and are the most common cause of colds
Hep E Virus, Norovirus. Includes causes of gastoenteritis and 1 cause of human hep.
Alphavirus, Rubivirus (rubella virus). Included are many viruses transmitted by arthropods (alphavirus); diseases include eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) and western e.e. (WEE). Rubella virus is transmitted by the respiratory route.
Flavivirus, Pestivirus, Hep C Virus. Can replicate in arthropods that transmit them; diseases include yellow fever dengue and St. Louis and West Nile encephalitis.
Coronavirus. Associated with URTI and the common cold; SARS virus.
Hep. D. Depend on coinfection with hepadnavirus.
Influenza A, B, and C (many strains). Envelope spikes can agglutinate RBCs
Oncoviruses [ Lentivirus (HIV) ]. Includes all RNA tumor viruses. Oncoviruses cause leukemia and tumors in animals; the Lentivirus HIV causes AIDS